
Do you build a startup that is a market-fit or the one you love?

Do you build a startup that is a market-fit or the one you love?

How do I know if I am on the right path when there's a new startup launching every 8 minutes?...
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25 Growth Hacking Tools for Startup Marketing in 2022

25 Growth Hacking Tools for Startup Marketing in 2022

To help you succeed in growth hacking I have compiled 25 of the best marketing resources that can help you...
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Funding your startup? This is how you convince an investor

Funding your startup? This is how you convince an investor

Fred Wilson, a seasoned investor says "You can explain your startup in mind numbing detail or you can inspire an...
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Zero budget marketing. Is it possible?

Zero budget marketing. Is it possible?

A dream startup calls for big money. You might have heard, without big marketing spends you barely scratch the surface....
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To hustle or to side-hustle

To hustle or to side-hustle

Does it pay to side-hustle in the long run? Or should you run a business and create your own legacy?
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Self Help Books: A path to your success or failure?

Self Help Books: A path to your success or failure?

The Miracle Morning asked you to wake up at 5 AM, so you do. The 7 Habits of Highly Successful...
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“Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It means you will be doing things differently from everybody else.”