
build a startup that is a market fit

Validate Your ideas and find The right one

– You have an idea or many ideas.
– You need validation.
– You need someone to talk, brainstorm, find out what works and also question its sustainability.
– You want help in organizing, structuring and laying the foundation for your BIG startup.
– You need to brand yourself or create a brand.
– You want to run and not walk.
– You need advise, direction, clarity since this is your first big leap in the world of entrepreneurship.

What you get?

Starting and running a business means facing daily challenges. You will have to make decisions on a regular basis that will affect the success of you business. The secret of staying strong and for long in this field, is in making in the right decision-picking the right opportunities and startegies.

Your 1:1 mentoring sessions

Starting and running a business means facing daily challenges. You will have to make decisions on a regular basis that will affect the success of your business. The secret of staying strong and for long in this field, is in making in the right decision-picking the right opportunities and strategies.

Case study

Starting and running a business means facing daily challenges. You will have to make decisions on a regular basis that will affect the success of your business. The secret of staying strong and for long in this field, is in making in the right decision-picking the right opportunities and strategies